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Apr 24, 2019

CA State Senator Bill Monning & Epidemiologist Dr. Flojaune Cofer discuss SB 347, which will require health warning labels be placed on sodas and sugary drinks in California. 

Click here for a closed-captioned version of this podcast!

Apr 10, 2019

CA State Senator Richard Pan & Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, the first Surgeon General in California...share their passion about medicine and their compassion for recovering from childhood trauma.

Link here to a closed-captioned version of this audio!

Apr 8, 2019

Labor & Civil Rights Leader Dolores Huerta and California State Senator Maria Elena Durazo are not only long-time allies in the cause for farmworker's rights and equality...they are long-time friends!Listen to their conversation about a lifetime of collaboration, their sacrifices, and how closely the issues they fought...

Apr 3, 2019

Musician Bret Michaels, EASE T1D co-founders discuss Type 1 diabetes awareness.

Click here for a closed-captioned version of this audio.